Welcome to the Athlete Ally HBCU Chapter!

Here you will find LGBTQ+ resources catered to HBCUs.

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Who We Are

Athlete Ally is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to end homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQI+ equality.  In order to stand in in solidarity with the LGBTQ community and confront the marginalization of LGBTQI+ people in sport, Athlete Ally has worked with over 50 college campuses across the nation.  The campus chapters are groups of student-athletes (one staff member and two or more students) who are passionate about creating and sustaining LGBTQI+ inclusion on their campuses.  The purpose of the HBCU Chapter is to support student athletes and their allies in combating homophobia both in sports and in their campus communities.

Athlete Ally Chapters

Chapters (https://www.athleteally.org/on-campus/) educate their athletic communities by hosting workshops and leading discussions about LGBTQ topics.  They work with campuses to write and implement LGBTQ inclusive policies for their athletic department and broader college/university.  Students become advocates by using their platform to speak out on social justice issues by writing op-eds, taking to social media and sharing their stories.

 Campus chapters decide on and enact programming specific to their campus based on Athlete Ally’s mission.  This includes hosting Pride nights, presenting educational workshops on LGBTQI-topics, working to adopt inclusive policies at the school and/or conference level, and advocating for anti-discriminatory policies at a city, state, regional and national level.  We work with chapters daily to assess their campus culture to determine appropriate programming.  As a member of Athlete Ally, you’ll get connected to a network of activists across the country who organize events on their campuses and in their communities to create LGBTQI+ inclusive athletic environments. You’ll also get connected to Athlete Ally staff and Ambassadors.